Health Care


Health Care Paging Systems

WiPath provides critical messaging solutions to healthcare and hospital organizations.

We are the largest supplier of paging products to the healthcare industry in Australasia. WiPath supplies both hospitals and suppliers to hospitals and aged care facilities.

Our paging systems interface many nurse-call systems. At the same time we can add other capabilities to the system, such as:

  • Paging
  • LED display
  • Paging transmiters and repeaters
  • Desktop message receivers
  • Message logging and dispatching.
Health Care Paging
Paging Data Receivers
Text Signs
Alphanumeric Pagers
Health Care Paging Backgroun

Health Care Paging

WiPath offers a huge range of pagers to health care, aged care and hospital organizations.

We provide a variety of quality alphanumeric POCSAG and Flex pagers from compact, mini sized (A 924) to fully sized (A 25) and even ruggedised (A 29) pagers.

WiPath also supplies a simple numeric (A 01) and tone pagers (A 03) for the staff.

Our offer includes pagers that are very suitable for the queuing systems. Those pagers (Paddle Pager A 02 and Coaster Pagers A 03) can be handed to patients so that they can leave he immediate vicinity of the waiting room while waiting their turn. They beep, vibrate and flash when the patient is needed.

LED Signage for Healt Care

WiPath offers a range of indoor digital LED signs that can display programmable moving text messages or numbers.

They can come with integrated intelligent paging receivers, which enables remote control of sign functions and message display.

Digital LED signs can be used to display diferent messages: from patron alerting to queue order messages.

They are very suitable for queuing systems.

They are available in a range of sizes (from single line to multi-line) and lengths (from a few centimetres to many metres).

Text Only LED Signs - WL1680 LED Sign
Moving message text displays | LED Signs
WIL 1640 Paging Controlled LED Sign
Health Care Paging Transmitters

Health Care Paging Transmitters

WiPath offers a variety of cost effective POCSAG in house paging systems for local area paging.

Such systems are ideal for health facilities that require ability to contact staff frequently and urgently. They can also enable communication between staff and patients.

Our offer includes SitePage – low cost and flexible POCSAG onsite paging encoder/transmitter. It can send alphanumeric and numeric paging messages to the local pagers.

WiPath also offers SPPSF Store and Forward Transmitter – low cost POCSAG paging repeater. It receives either POCSAG or Flex paging signals from a wide area carrier or local transmitter and retransmits POCSAG locally.

Desktop Message Receivers for Healt Care

WiPath offers a range of desktop paging message receivers. Among others, they include:

All our receivers are capable of receiving paged messages and processing them in a variety of ways. They can be used for:

  • Message monitoring
  • Message printing
  • Message broadcasting
  • Controlling LED signs display
  • Controlling different devices based on the message received
  • NurseCall Systems
Health Care Paging Data Receivers
Interceptor Paging Message Receiver 4 Channel

Message Logging and Dispatching Software

WiPath offers a range of paging software applications for specialized paging requirements: message dispatch, message logging, message filtering, message rebroadcast and creating reports on sent messages.


LogPage is used to log pager message traffic over a POCSAG or Flex paging network directly to a PC or computer network.

The program can filter messages by capcode, message text and combined.

Reports and auto reports can be created for any time interval

The application can create multiple Watchdog Alarms to detect failure of the network or transmitter.

i-Page System

i-Page is a communications software for the dispatching of text, SMS or email messages to a variety of wireless messaging devices.

The central application of the i-Page System is i-Page Server. WiPath also offers different clients to control the server: Desktop client, Console client and Web client.

i-Page also has ability to send scheduled messages (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly).

The software can create reports automatically and send them, as an email attachment, to unlimited number of email addresses.

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